Spray Tanning


Get a beautiful, straight off the beach glow with a custom airbrush tan.  Each tan is custom mixed for each client to get the perfect bronzed flawless tan!

This isn't your normal stand-up machine spray tan. We customize each tan for you. Most spray tans have you standing in a machine that tells you when to move your arms and legs. We use an airbrush and, by hand, contour the spray to each part of your body. This ensures that you have a natural-looking tan.


Exfoliate. Exfoliate. Exfoliate.

We cannot over-stress the importance of pre-session exfoliation. 24-hours prior to your appointment, clear away any dry, dead skin cells before your sunless session to smooth skin for even airbrush tanning results. Spend a little extra time on knees, elbows, feet, and hands.

Prepping your Skin.

Avoid using bar soaps, high pH shower products, or in shower moisturizers. These products can neutralize the DHA bronzing reaction within the skin.  Moisturize minimally.  If skin is dry, apply a light water-based lotion lightly and evenly to skin, avoiding any mineral oil or petroleum-based products.

Schedule any manicures/pedicures/facials/exfoliation/spa appointments BEFORE your tan!

Hair Removal.

Shave at least 12-18 hours before your sunless tanning session. We always suggest shaving with soap and water only — no shaving cream, as shaving creams contain lanolin (an oil) that acts as a barrier between the airbrush tanning solution and the skin.  Any waxing should be done 1-2 days prior to your sunless tanning.


Don’t Create Sunless Barriers.

  • Avoid applying anything to the skin that may act as a barrier between the sunless solution and the skin. Deep penetration of the solution is key to beautiful lasting color. Do not apply lotions, creams, or perfumes prior to session. Avoid deodorant/antiperspirants as they can discolor when in contact with tanning solutions.

  • Remove any makeup prior to the sunless tan application.


  • Wear loose fitting dark colored clothing and remove jewelry. Tight clothing can rub or smear bronzers, especially around the knees, elbows, chest, and waist.  Some solution transfer onto your clothes should be expected.

  • If you’d prefer to wear undergarments, wear these to your appointment.

  • Do not wear wool, nylon, or silk during or after your sunless application and for at least 8 hours as DHA may react with these fabrics and cause staining.


  • It is highly, highly, highly recommended you SLEEP IN YOUR TAN!  The longer the solution is on your skin the better.

  • If you are wearing your spray tan to bed, we recommend wearing long sleeves and long pants or covering your hands with socks while you sleep.  This will prevent the airbrush tanning solution from transferring to your hands while you're sleeping and making them extra dark!  This step is extremely important.

  • If it is raining or snowing the day of your appointment, it is recommended that you bring an umbrella and/or wear protective clothing - such as long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and a sweatshirt.  You CANNOT get wet! Do not plan any activities afterward which risk you getting wet or sweaty.  This includes going to the gym and washing your face before bed.

  • If you take your bra off when you're getting sprayed, we do not recommend that you put it back on immediately after.  Plan to leave braless!

  • If you are coming later in the day/night and you can put on the clothes that you are wearing to bed, this is useful!

  • You will feel a little sticky and the spray tan does have a slight odor to it – this is normal.  You will feel sticky until your first shower.

  • Try not to touch your skin to see if you are sticky. The solution does feel sticky while it is in the developing phase before your first shower and this is normal.

  • If you touch your skin and do not wash the insides of your hands, your palms may end up becoming stained because palms are not supposed to come in contact with the spray tan solution. If you do accidentally touch your skin wash the insides of your hands as directed by your spray tan specialist!

  • When needed, wash only the insides of your hands while the spray tan is developing. The most effective way to do this is with hand sanitizer or an antibacterial wipe. If you do not have these available, you can also use a paper towel or towel with soap.  Your airbrush tanning specialist will walk you through this process at the end of your appointment.

  • The bronzer may get on the inside of your clothes or on your sheets. It should not stain; however, we cannot guarantee this.  Dark colored clothing is recommended and wearing long sleeves and long pants to bed can prevent the bronzer from coming off on your sheets.

  • Just as with clothing, solution transfer from your body to your sheets/blankets/pillowcases is normal and to be expected.


  • You should refrain from showering as long as possible (up to 24-hours). As with all DHA products, sunless color begins showing development approx. 4 hours after application and continues to darken for up to 24 hours. Your first shower should be a WARM WATER RINSE ONLY. The use of soap can inhibit the full development of DHA color. Important: Cosmetic instant bronzers will wash away during the first shower. Pools and spas that utilize chlorine can cause fading.

  • When showering after 24-hours, refrain from using scrubs or high pH soaps as these will strip away your sunless color.

  • Don’t worry if you see color wash off from your first shower, this is normal. What you see washing off is the immediate cosmetic bronzer and what is left behind is a beautiful sunless tan.

  • Do not apply moisturizer until after your first shower, for this could affect the immediate reaction of the sunless solution on the skin and cause streaking.

  • Do not exercise until after your first shower.

  • Moisturize daily, especially after bathing, to maintain your sunless tan. For best results use a water-based moisturizer. Don’t use oil-based moisturizers, they can cause blotchy areas.

  • Do not exfoliate skin for at least 48 hours after your sunless tanning application. When you do exfoliate, do so gently and evenly to preserve an even sunless tan.

  • If sun-bathing remember to wear a sunscreen. Sunless products do not contain sunscreen. Although you look like you have a tan, you will still need a sunscreen to prevent your skin from burning.

  • If you have small children, it is recommended that you bathe them prior to your spray tan or have someone else bathe them that day.

  • You can expect a healthy 5-10 days out of your tan if cared for properly.


  • Pat dry after your shower.  Vigorous rubbing will exfoliate your skin and your tan will not last as long.

  • DO NOT exfoliate with loofahs, body scrubs, body washes or soaps with exfoliating beads until your airbrush tan starts to fade away.

  • DO NOT use scented body washes - such as Victoria's Secret and Bath and Body Works.  Non-scented/fragrance-free body washes and soaps are RECOMMENDED.  SCENTED BODY WASHES AND SOAPS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED.  Aveeno lotions are also NOT RECOMMENDED!

  • Limit the shaving of your legs, as this is also a form of exfoliating.  You can still shave your legs; however, we do not recommend doing it daily.  We DO NOT RECOMMEND using hair removal creams, such as Nair.  This will remove your spray tan!

  • The tan is not going to just disappear, you are going to notice it fading.  You can start exfoliating when you notice it is starting to fade and/or in preparation for your next tan.

  • Face washes containing salicylic acid and/or benzoyl peroxide are NOT RECOMMENDED because they can eat away at your spray tan. Your face will fade faster as you wash it more frequently.  We recommend using gentle cleansers - exfoliating face washes + Clarisonics are NOT RECOMMENDED!

  • Acne spot treatments are also NOT RECOMMENDED during the week your spray tan is on.

  • Moisturizing helps extend the life of your tan and it helps your tan to fade more evenly.  We recommend using a hydrating, non-scented/fragrance-free lotion!  SCENTED LOTIONS - I.E. VICTORIA'S SECRET & BATH AND BODY WORKS - ARE NOT RECOMMENDED!  Aveeno lotions are also NOT RECOMMENDED!

  • It is recommended to moisturize at least once a day; however, twice a day is encouraged.  You can start moisturizing after your first shower.  NON-SCENTED/FRAGRANCE-FREE moisturizer is RECOMMENDED!

  • Wait at least one day before going in the ocean or a pool after your tan.  Chlorine may make your tan fade faster; however, it is not going to remove the tan immediately.