5 Makeup Tips to Perfect Your Lips

Image courtesy of Le Center Dental Clinic

Get Your Face Right

There is something that is amazing and unique about you. You had nothing to do with it, but you can do much to enhance it. This amazing thing about you is your face. It is something that is as rare as your fingerprint. There is not one person in the world who has the same one as you, and there will never exist anyone who looks quite like you. You may love your face, or you may not, but in reality, you have a lot to do with how your face looks before you leave your house. Makeup can truly work miracles, but you have to know how to wear it right. You want to be able to wear your makeup in a way that enhances your beauty. Your makeup bag can include foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, and mascara and of course, lipstick. If you focus on lipstick, you will be amazed at how much this cosmetic tool can enhance your beauty. Lipstick will work its magic as long as you put in enough time when it comes to picking the perfect shade of lipstick.

How Many Shades Do You Need?

You want to have more than one shade of lipstick because you are going to need different shades for different occasions. First of all, you want to have a shade for special occasions. This is a color that will be your knock em dead shade. It can be a bold shade of red, pink, or purple. You’ll also want to have a shade for everyday use. This can be a neutral color, or it can be a color that is a little less flashy than your special occasions shade. This does not mean that you are only going to need two shades, it means that you are going to want to have at least two staple colors. The rest is up to you.

How To Pick Your Shade

When choosing your lipstick, make sure that you do your research. Just because a lipstick looks good in the container, that does not mean that it is going to look good on your face. If you are a person who is good at paring your colors, then you can just go to a cosmetic booth and do your own experimenting. If you are not a person who is good with color, then you may want to go to a cosmetic stand and consult with a professional. You can be honest and tell her that you are looking for a couple of good colors that will pair well with your skin. After you find good colors, don’t change them. You may want to choose variations of these colors, but you want to make sure that you keep your staple colors even if you choose to experiment with other shades.

How To Make Your Lipstick Last

If you find great shades for your face, then you definitely want them to stick. In order to make your lipstick last throughout the day or occasion, first, apply foundation to your lips. Next, draw a line around your lips with a lipstick pencil that matches with your lipstick, or you can use a transparent lip pencil. Now it is time to apply your color. After you have applied your color, you can dust finishing powder on your lips. This process will help you to keep your lipstick on all day. An even better option would be to find a good long lasting lipstick that will set on your lips.

Love Your Look

Once you find a great color for your lip, keep enhancing the rest of your face. Your face can be your project. By experimenting with different makeup and colors, you can create a great look for every outfit that you wear.

Make It Permanent

Convenience is a modern luxury and it applies to lipstick. What if you didn’t have to wake up in the morning and decide what lipstick to wear that day? What if you could just get up and go? With permanent lip tinting, or lip tattoo, you can do just that! It’s a fabulous way to ensure that your lips stay colored throughout the day, no matter what happens and you can reduce the hassle of buying lipstick. For more information on this lipstick option and for more ways to enhance your natural beauty, check out Ink Beauty Bar!

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