4 Ways to Take Care of Your Skin Without Chemicals

When it comes to taking care of your skin, many people think the more a product costs, the more it’ll benefit your skin. The truth is, most of the products out on the market not only won’t improve your skin, but they have unnecessary added chemicals to them as well that will be absorbed into…

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Permanent Beauty: Establishing Lifelong Beauty Habits

Permanent beauty, the kind of beauty that comes from taking good care of your body, is not effortless. It takes years of developing positive health habits to perfect a beauty routine. These routines touch on all facets of the body, including but not limited to oral health, skincare, exercise, and sleep. Oral Health Your smile…

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5 Tips for Brighter, Healthier Hair and Skin

Does dull, damaged hair cause you daily frustration? Do you find yourself wasting time picking at zits and blackheads in the mirror? Believe it or not, these problems may be related. Skin and hair both rely on a protein called keratin for their structure, so they can be cared for in similar ways. Follow these…

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Is Microblading for Me?

If you were to ask the average American woman whether she wanted a tattoo on her face, she would think you were crazy. However, if you were to ask the same woman if she wanted perfectly sculpted eyebrows that enhanced her face and improved her overall look, you would most likely be met with a…

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